Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Gathering

The Gathering

    Once again its that time of year again, for those of you who do not know, The Gathering is City Wide Multicultural event that is sponsored by the City of Waterbury.

Driggs has participated in this event for the last 3 years, and we are looking to get involved in this event once again.

The Parade date is May 16th and it starts at 11:00am

Last year there was over 10,000 people from all different cultures within the Waterbury Community.

We are looking volunteers to join and walk with us in the parade and represent Driggs School, it is fun for the kids and it is great to see all the different cultures and customs represented.

Driggs School as always, was one of the first schools to join this great tradition, and we aim to keep this tradition going.